
Beautification and Streetsaping of Fatehabad Road Project. Cost- Rs. 105.88Cr
Development of Heritage Walk connecting Lessar Known Around Taj Mahal. Project Cost- Rs. 3.46 Cr
Development of Street Vending Zone. Project Cost- Rs. 3.33Cr
Establishment of Microskill Development Centre in ABD Area. Project Cost- Rs. 2.01Cr
Establishment of Smart Health Centres on PPP Mode
Facade Improvement of Traditional Houses along Daresi Road. Project Cost-Rs. 0.97 Cr
Integrated Command and control centre. Prjoect Cost-Rs. 287.96 Cr
Junction Improvement in ABD Area. Project Cost- Rs. 6.97 Cr
Providing 24×7 Water supply to ABD Area Along With water meters and SCADA System Project. Cost-Rs. 142.61 Cr
Providing Sewerage system in ABD Area Project Cost. -Rs.100.04 Cr
Rehabilitation of Major Road. Project Cost- Rs. 99.36 Cr
Rehabiliatation of Minor Road. Project Cost- Rs. 154.1Cr
Self Automated cleaning toilets. Project Cost- Rs. 3.99 Cr
Smart Classes in Nagar Nigam Boys and Girls School in ABD Area. Project Cost- Rs. 0.61 Cr
Upgradation of Municipal Schools. Project Cost- Rs. 2.35 Cr