Pan City Plan
Pan City Plan

Agra’s Pan City proposal, structured around three distinct themes, has six broad components, 24 ICT solutions and five non-information technology (ICT) initiatives. An analytical assessment and stakeholder consultation approach was utilized to arrive at the optimal solutions, that can impact the quality of life of all citizens and the experience of all visitors. These solutions are inclusive by providing universal access to basic services, access to people with restricted mobility, access across languages, and standardized mobility across the city for all. The Agra model is based upon experiences and success stories of other cities, notably the Solid Waste Management processes used by Greater Mumbai, and the Urban Transport Management system of Bengaluru.
- GPS Vehicle Tracking
- RFID Based House Bin Tracking
- Community Bins Management
- Button and App based Grievance System
- Field Staff Attendance System
- Adaptive Traffic Control System
- Green Corridor
- ANPR, RLVD Camera
- E-Challan System
- Panic Button
- Emergency Call Box
- Public Address System
- Fixed and PTZ cameras
- Multi sensor Panoramic Cameras
- Edge based Video Analytics
- Use cases to solve problems of ‘LAPKA’ and Criminal Tracking
- Data Intelligence, Incident Management
- Digital Signage with City Content
- Content and Ad Management System